My academic publications
Articles and abstracts
On Process-Algebraic Proof Methods for Fault Tolerant Distributed
Systems.Morten Kühnrich, Uwe Nestmann. Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems, Joint 11th IFIP
WG 6.1 International Conference FMOODS 2009 and 29th IFIP
WG 6.1 International Conference FORTE 2009, Lisboa, Portugal,
June 9-12, 2009.
Springer Link
Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis over Weight Domains with Infinite Descending Chains. Morten Kühnrich, Stefan Schwoon, Jiri Srba and Stefan Kiefer. Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures,
12th International Conference, FOSSACS 2009, Held as Part
of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice
of Software, ETAPS 2009, York, UK, March 22-29, 2009.
Springer Link
Formal Model--Driven Design of Distributed Algorithms (Extended version). Morten Kühnrich. Annual Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS08). Znojmo, Czechia, November 14-16. 2008
long version pdf
UPPAAL code in zip format
Verification of Correspondence Assertions in a Calculus for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Morten Kühnrich, Hans Hüttel and Jens Chr. Godskesen. FOCLASA'08. Reykjavík, Iceland, July 13th, 2008.
A Distributed-Pi Calculus with anonymous moves. Hans Hüttel, Jens Chr. Godskesen and Morten Kühnrich.
The 18th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'06)
Reykjavík, Iceland, 18-20 October. 2006
- Authentication and Sandboxing in a Distributed Pi-Calculus.
Hans Hüttel and Morten Kühnrich. Procedings of the
6th International Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security, WITS '06, Vienna, March. ENTCS. 2006
- Types for Access Control in a Calculus of Mobile Resources . Hans Hüttel and Morten Kühnrich. Procedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security Issues in Concurrency, SecCo'05, San Francisco, August. ENTCS 2005.
- PhD thesis. Approaches to Formal Verification: Type Theory, Model Checking, and Process Algebra". Aalborg University 2011.
- Master thesis. Process calculi for access control with authentication. Aalborg University 2005.
- Bachelor thesis. Ufuldstændighed af generelle slutningssystemer. Copenhagen University, DIKU 2003
Technical reports
- Tecnical report. A type system for the calculus of mobile resources. Aalborg university 2004.
Moscow ML implementation of the MR-typechecker
- Tecnical report. Completion of a proof by Mairson of a theorem of Statman. Copenhagen University, DIKU 2004
- Tecnical report. Size Change Analysis of a Small C-like Language. Copenhagen University, DIKU 2003
Moscow ML implementation of the termination analysator
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